About the Residents Association
The Royal Clarence Marina Residents Association (RCMRA) was started by a small group of residents who bought properties in the Royal Clarence Marina development in 2005. In May 2010, the informal group became a properly constituted Residents Association, with an official committee.
What does the Residents Association do?
The Residents Association seeks to to work with the freeholders'appointed property management company, RMG, to encourage efficiency, accuracy and economy in the provision of services under their control. We don't have any authority to make substantial or financial decisions affecting the buildings or the site - that is all delegated to RMG by the freeholder, Berkeely Homes.
Most of the residential blocks are represented on the Committee by a leaseholder from the block.
While there is no legal requirement for the property management company to consult with us on the day-to-day or strategic priorities for the site, our regular meetings with them provide a platform for residents to have a voice in matters which affect the whole community. The outcome of those meetings is communicated to our membership via the website and the monthly Newsletter.
We also seek to develop a sense of community and through social events provide an opportunity for residents to meet and socialise.
Membership is open to owners and tenants of homes in Royal Clarence Yard & Marina (east of Weevil Lane). There is a small annual subscription of £10 per household (to help cover incidental expenses).
Meetings are held from time to time during the year to update members on new developments and seek their views on RCM matters. In normal times, there are occasional social meetings and events.
To apply for or renew your membership please complete the online form that you will find here.