DOCUMENTS IN THE PUBLIC CONSULTATION (Deadline passed: approval granted by GBC):
Residential Parking Permits:
Other than allocated parking spaces, parking in each zone is on a “first come, first served” basis
Permits must be displayed at all times (except for m/cs and Marina berth-holders/visitors) One permit for one vehicle (car or m/c) per household for Zones 1-4 (unless otherwise specified in lease)
Zone 5/ Cooperage Green permits continue to be issued free of charge (click here for clarification from Berkeley Homes received 13 Dec 2019)
Residential Parking Permit Costs:
Zone 1-4: £60 per annum ( currently £66pa) - permit includes free book of 15 Day Visitor scratch cards
£30 per annum for m/c parked in designated m/c parking spaces/areas
Replacement permits can be issued for £10 fee
Future costs to be determined by Managing Agent
All residential permits to be renewed and replaced annually
Click on links below for more information on:
Parking Zones map (pdf download)
Electric Car Charging and Parking