Parking Managment Plan Changes for RCY approved by Gosport Borough Council
Planning Decisions made by GBC (the Local Planning Authority) 15 Jan 2020
1) Main Car Park Management Plan (17/00290/FULL):
The latest Car Park Management Plan was approved (with conditions) by GBC Regulatory Board on 15 January 2020. (Click here to download a copy of the decision notice)
The RCMRA Secretary gave a representation on behalf of the Residents Association, supported by the Secretary of the Gosport Access Group and Disability Forum. Both then answered questions from the Councillors on the Board. A representative from Berkeley Homes also gave a representation and was questioned by the Board members. The Councillors then debated the issue and considered a proposal from the local Ward Councillors to defer a decision for a site visit to look at the issues raised. In the end, the majority of Councillors voted instead to approve the plans but required additional conditions to be added to the approval to address the issues we had raised and further concerns about the proposals for electric vehicle charging.
The conditions require Berkeley Homes to provide further detail for approval on a number of elements, including the following:
Pedestrian and disabled access
Lighting in the car parks
Hard landscaping for North Meadow
EV charging
Permission was only granted for 12 months and most of the above details have to be provided within 3 months "of commencement". Berkeley Homes is going to have to address these issues promptly. There is no further public consultation on any of the above, so we will need to trust that the Planning Department will be able get the best possible outcome on these important issues.
Unfortunately there was no improvement on the provision of Visitor parking in North Meadow. Nor any change to the arrangements for motor-cycle parking.
To download copy of the RCMRA representation, click here for the text: click here for the illustrations given to Councillors at the meeting.
All the relevant documents, the Planning Officer's report, comments made by residents and others during the public consultation can be viewed on the GBC Planning portal using ref 17/00290/FULL. For information about the issues raised by the Residents Association prior to the Approval being given, click here.
2) NM7 block (Bridge House) parking: Variation of condition (19/00314/VOC)
Despite a spirited presentation by a RCMRA Committee member on the problems with the traffic flow on the NM7 access road, this application was approved as recommended - still linking the NM7 block to the Main Car Parking Plan (which was important and what Berkeley Homes had proposed should be removed). (Click here to download a copy of the decision notice).
To download copy of the RCMRA representation, click here for the text: click here for the illustration given to Councillors at the meeting.
All the relevant documents and comments made by residents and others during the public consultation can be viewed on the GBC Planning portal using ref 19/00314/VOC.