The Residents Association has written to Gosport Borough Council Planning department objecting to a proposed change of conditions relating to the parking for the NM7 (Bridge House) as we believe this could have a negative impact on everyone who uses the car parks at RCY.
The new block will have 55 apartments with only 12 parking spaces (this permission was granted in 2005 and cannot be changed). The other 43 residents will have permits to park in North Meadow. Their visitors are supposed to park in Cooperage Green.
Currently, the wording of the planning permission means Berkeley Homes cannot occupy NM7 until a full permanent parking plan for the whole of RCY has been approved by Gosport Borough Council.
With their proposed change in wording to the condition relating to parking, Berkeley Homes seems to be looking to remove the link to the permanent parking plan.
If they get permission for the new wording, we believe that the imperative to finally solve all the parking and relating issues at RCY will be lost.
Put simply, Berkeley Homes is adding to the parking problem before solving it.
We think the proposal to remove the link between NM7 parking and the Car Parking Management Plan is a detrimental move which is why we have written to the Council to object (click here to see what we have said).
If you feel the same, you can submit your own objection to the Planning Department by the deadline:
Thurs 8 August 2019
The more responses the Council receives, the more likely it is that they will pay attention.
Copy of the GBC letter sent to residents of Galleon Place & Ledwell Court to inform them of the application. Residents of other block east of Weevil Lane were not sent this letter.
How to comment on the planning application:
You can see the documents submitted by Berkeley Homes and any comments others have sent in on the GBC Planning Portal (click here). You can send your message to the council either online (click here and use the "Make a Comment" button) or by email: planning@gosport.gov.uk or by post to:
Head of Development Management
Town Hall, High Street
Gosport, PO12 1EB.
Please quote planning ref: 19/00314/VOC. Please click here for more info on what they can and cannot take into account:
Drop-in sessions and more information
For more information on the proposed changes and advice on ways to comment,we are running a few drop-in sessions for RCY residents over the next few days. You are welcome to come and look at the plans and have a chat:
Sat 3 August 9-11am at The Pump House Café Cooperage Green Mon 5th August 2-4pm at RMG office on the RCY Waterfront Mon 5 August 5.30-7.30pm at The Victualler on the RCY Waterfront