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Granary 6 new flats: Planning Appeal Hearing 21 March

Writer's picture: Secretary, RCMRASecretary, RCMRA

Berkeley Homes' appeal hearing against Gosport Borough Council's refusal to allow the conversion of the 1st floor of the Granary from designated office/commercial space to 6 new 2 bed residential apartments is will be heard by the Planning Inspector on 21st March (copy of 12 Jan 2023 notification available to download from the link below).

Arguments for both sides, plus the original representations and any further comments will be considered by the appointed planning Inspector .

Residents wishing to read the Berkeley Homes' grounds for the appeal and representations made to the Planning Inspector can view the documents on the GBC Planning portal using (click here -appeal reference 22/0006/ROPP).

More information about the original planning application - including all the objections and comments from RCY residents and other bodies can been found on the GBC Planning portal (click here - planning refs 20/00274/LBA and 20/00273/FULL.)

What are the Proposals for the 6 New Flats in the Granary?

The Planning Officer's Report which recommended refusal of the application provides a very helpful summary of the proposals. It covers the following topics:

  • The history of the building

  • The planning history from when Berkeley Homes first acquired the site and the reasons why the 1st floor of the Granary was designated as commercial space rather than residential. Also the significance placed on keeping the floor open and only subdivided by glazed panels so that the original scale and space was preserved.

  • A summary of all the various comments from the public consultation, including a large number of objections from residents, GBC's own Economic Development Department and The Gosport Society on both the original and the revised proposals.

  • The planning considerations of all the comments made.

  • Reasons for recommending refusal.

The first floor of the Granary (photo taken 2020)

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