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DOCUMENTS IN THE PUBLIC CONSULTATION (Deadline passed: approval granted by GBC):


Parking for trailers, caravans, motorhomes and over-sized vehicles

Berkeley Homes response to Residents Association questions:

“Trailers and caravans belonging to RCYM stakeholders will only be able to park in Cooperage/Zone 5 and on the proviso no more than two non-lease/additional parking permits/spaces are required. 

“The RCYM Estate managing agent will be responsible for implementing legal proceedings to remove trailers and caravans which have no entitlement to park at RCYM or do not abide by the parking management rules i.e. by use of a Torts Notice.

What changed from the last proposal?
No provision in previous proposal for management of parking of caravans, trailers and oversized vehicles

Click on links below for more information on:

Parking Zones map (pdf download)

Parking Permits and Costs

Visitor Parking

Disabled Parking

Electric Car Charging and Parking

Motorcycle Parking

Wayfinding and Signage


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