DOCUMENTS IN THE PUBLIC CONSULTATION (Deadline passed: approval granted by GBC):
Wayfinding & Signage: Latest proposals
“Indicative” proposal for Wayfinding & non-parking signage submitted with the Parking application: click here to download Berkeley Homes "indicative" proposal on Wayfinding (pdf retrieved from GBC Planning portal)
What changed from the last proposal?
Increased number of directional signs proposed to be provided at Berkeley Homes cost (previous proposal was very limited and was only offering a “nominal” amount from Berkeley Homes - the rest to be funded by RCY leaseholders and other stakeholders)
Remaining concerns:
No coherence in the design/approach to the logic or design of the latest proposals
Will the number and locations of proposed sign meet wayfinding needs?
What guarantee is there that Berkeley Homes will actually implement any “indicative” proposals?
Action taken:
Residents Association has submitted an alternative proposal to GBC and Berkeley Homes and proposed meeting to discuss. Click here for pdf of Residents Association discussion document and counter-proposal.
Click on links below for more information on:
Parking Zones map (pdf download)
Electric Car Charging and Parking